Monthly Archives: April 2013

Got A Challenge? Look In Your Home For The Answer

An acupuncturist reads pulses. A fortuneteller reads palms. A doctor reads x-rays. And I read your home. I have consulted on hundreds and hundreds of homes over the last decade and I’m not hesitant to say – I can clearly … read the full article

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Why I Love Working With Real Estate Developers

Although my first true love about my job is doing private home consultations, lately my paramour on the side is with the big guns of residential real estate; those sentient investors that know their target market, understand the future trajectory … read the full article

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The Future of Feng Shui

Earlier this week at Pratt’s Manhattan campus, I had the privilege of teaching a Feng Shui  & Architecture seminar to experienced architects. I started off the class asking, “What do you hope to get out of this class?” I was … read the full article

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A Deep Cleaning Revelation

I recently acted upon some great advice my sister Laura gave me about applying Feng Shui principles in my home. I cleaned out closets, de-cluttered the playroom, organized the chaos of my kitchen cupboards and finished with the grand finale … read the full article

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“Holistic Design? What Does That Mean?”

I get asked that question every now and then. And I love it. It gives me an opportunity to describe this new term I created and give people examples of how it relates to them. (Just don’t ask me if I’m an Interior Designer. Because I’m not.) I noticed that I change up my description quite often depending upon whom I’m talking to. And I rarely give the same explanation twice. If I’m giving a lecture at a healing spiritual center where kindred, old souls have gathered in a meditation circle, well, my explanation might start off by delving deeper into our karmic lessons connected to our spaces, the soul of our home and the unseen energies that pulse through the arteries of our homes just like the blood through our veins.

If I’m teaching a seminar about Feng Shui to seasoned architects- who some, frankly

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