Monthly Archives: October 2013

Finally, A Magazine Gets It Right. Being Interviewed for Key Biscayne Magazine

Through the years I have been interviewed for a few magazines. There are some questions that make my eyes roll (“So what is Fung Shewy anyway?” or my personal pet peeve, the completely uninformed “As an interior designer….” Nope. I am not an interior designer. Next question?) Recently I was interviewed by journalist Dena Roche who asked me very thoughtful and intelligent questions for her article, “Subconscious Design” about the psychology of how we dwell. I was delighted with the absence of the typical and superficial fluff. Delving into the human psyche and making connections to our home surroundings is my favorite topic so I decided to share our Q&A here. I wish more shelter magazines would explore deeper concepts in relatable ways like they did. Good job Editor-in-Chief Jorge Arauz and journalist Dena Roche. For the full article, pick up a copy of November/December 2013 Key Biscayne Magazine today.

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Get In The Spirit! My article in November’s Spirituality & Health Magazine

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Today, while in line at Whole Foods, I saw that the new Spirituality & Health Magazine came out. I love indulging in a fresh new S&H and I love it even more when one of my own articles is in there! Read on to find out how to prepare your home for a deeper spiritual experience for the upcoming holidays.

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Going Primal: My Interview With Nora Gedgaudas

It’s been one year since my husband has read Nora Gedgaudas book Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond The Paleo Diet For Total Health and a Longer Life and has started the Paleo diet. Since then he has lost 40 pounds, turned his blood work around to unbelievably healthy numbers and has had a significant more amount of energy and endurance. His constant quoting of Nora and spreading her word near and far to all the people that ask why he looks so good, has slowly started to hook me in and made me put aside my pasta bowl. On October 1st, I decided to “go Paleo” for 21 days. I’ve been reading Nora’s book and find her information fascinating, smart and compelling. Read on for my interview with Nora and to hear how I feel after 21 days.

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My Interview with Holistic Architect Designer Anjie Cho

Its not often I come across another peer who incorporates so many
of the same principles as I do from sustainability to feng shui and
more- we even both use the term Holistic in our business.
Anjie Cho is a talented architect and interior designer and founder of “Holistic Spaces” based out of New York and Los Angeles.

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