Monthly Archives: August 2015

My Book! The Holistic Home: Feng Shui Your Mind, Body, Spirit, Space

For the last fourteen I’ve been working as a Feng Shui consultant. During this time, I lectured and taught around the country, yanking this ancient subject into the 21st century when needed. In some ways, my approach with Feng Shui shifted from my early teachings and I began to shed some of the arcane principals that didn’t make sense, I kept concepts that worked well for my clients and dropped all the teachings that were based in fear. (Ancient Feng Shui Pet Peeve #32, “A mirror in the bedroom will steal your soul!”) I began to address all areas of my clients life – not just for example that they had lots of clutter, but I’d delve into the real reasons they were holding on to stuff and accumulating. When I dealt with their emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of their space and self, their transformations were extremely effective and long lasting. Their stories, as well as my modernized, holistic Feng Shui approach became the inspiration for my book.

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