My Interview With Lorna Byrne

Lorna ByrneToday I had one of the biggest honors of my life.  I spoke to international bestselling author Lorna Byrne. She wrote the autobiography, “Angels In My Hair” (Three Rivers Press 2011) and this book, written in such a pure and authentic voice has changed me in a profound way. Lorna sees angels as plain as you and I see people. When I finished her book, I was sad. Not because of the content- on the contrary, it filled me with hope for mankind. I was selfishly sad because when reading her book you feel like Lorna is your friend and you want to keep her presence in your life. So, I quickly ordered and devoured her next book “Stairway to Heaven” (Coronet 2011). By this time I was talking to my own guardian angel and even sometimes receiving responses from the angelic forces that surround me. It felt like a new door was opened and the deeper I wandered in, the more significant the affirming signs became.

In telling my mom about Lorna she seemed skeptical. “Just listen to her speak.” I told her. “Afterwards, there will be no doubt in your mind. It’s as if she has a more direct, clearer channel to God – and every one else, including me, is trying to fine tune through the static.” So, when I spoke to Lorna in her farmhouse in Ireland, I had to start off by apologizing if due to my own nervousness I might stammer or blubber away. (I’m not the only one who feels this way. It’s impossible to find a single bad review of her books that have been published in 21 languages and 47 countries!)

One important message I received from our conversation was that “all you have to do is ask for their help. There are many unemployed angels that are just waiting for you to simply ask for their assistance.”  Being that not everyone can actually see angels and hear them like Lorna, I wanted to know how plain folk like myself could hone this connection. I know that in similar ways of trying to fine tune my intuition, it often can get muddled within two ends of the spectrum: wishful thinking or fear based thinking. In the day-to-day mix of ordinary living, how do you know which feeling is coming from a pure, divine channel and which is tainted by what I hope will happen or what I fear will? Lorna had great advice. “Always go with the first positive thing that comes to your mind. Slow down and try to heighten your awareness.”

I asked her if there was anything that could be done within our homes to enhance communication with our angels. Incense, frankincense, angel cards? “Prayer fills your home with peace.” She told me. No wonder why no one wants to leave her farmhouse.  She suggested finding a quiet place in your home and simply praying every day and that will create a deeper peaceful energy where you dwell. Being that people and even countries have their own individual guardian angels, I asked if our homes have them too. “No, but every time you leave your home, you can ask your angels to protect it” she said.

As for my mom, she emailed me today that “I amended my position after finding undeniable evidence in my surroundings that support this claim. I am a believer!” It’s never too late.  As I put together my notes for a magazine piece I’m writing about Lorna, I reflected over how she assured me that she has many more “secrets”.  God and the angels often unfold new information for her to share on their own timetable. That means there will be more books to write and that means, more Lorna in my life. Now I’m not so sad.

Look for part two in my posts about Lorna in November 2013. In the meantime, for more information, go to



About Laura Benko

Holistic Feng Shui Expert, Author, CEO of The Holistic Home Company.
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