How You Can Integrate The Holistic Home School of Feng Shui Course In Your Life

I’ve been teaching an online course, based on my book, The Holistic Home: Feng Shui for Mind, Body, Spirit, Space for a couple years now. I teach this seven week course about two times a year. There are so many aspects I love about teaching this course, but one thing I find fascinating is the range of people who take it and are integrating it into their lives in many different ways. Some professionals from all over the world take the course to add to their current practice as an acupuncturist, psychologist, professional organizer, reiki master or real estate agent. Sometimes its a mom who just wants a healthy, balanced, meaningful home for her family. Others take this course to start a new vocational path as a Holistic Feng Shui Consultant.

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Whatever brings you to this certification, the course is personalized according to your needs. I study your floor plan beforehand and determine what might be a subconscious area of challenge for you. These issues will be tackled in class using anecdotes of consultations, floor plan examples and more. I go through your bio and survey questions you previously answered so I am clear on what you hope to get out of it. I give you real life consultation studies that address areas that you want to focus on. And along the way there might be surprises that will open your third eye, enhance your knowledge in ancillary subjects or fascinating guest speakers.

One thing is for sure, if you keep an open, curious mind and camera on, ask questions and stay engaged, you will begin to feel inner shifts of awareness as you inevitably work on yourself and space. Connections from childhood homes to current floor plans to your style of decor to subconscious symbolism in your space will all start to reveal the emotional underpinnings of who you are and what your challenges are. You will leave the course with an ability to use your intuition and education to allow the best to unfold in yourself and space.

Looking forward to seeing you in January.

About Laura Benko

Holistic Feng Shui Expert, Author, CEO of The Holistic Home Company.
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