Preparing Your Mind Body Spirit & Space for Spring

Spring Spring arrives this month on March 20th. For some of us, it couldn’t happen soon enough. There are many things that you can do to help usher in this new cycle so that the best may unfold for you this season. And I am truly confident that if you take the time to implement these tips, you will certainly feel a difference in yourself and your space. Feng Shui teaches us that when you syncopate with the seasons, you are in synch with the universal forces around you and when that happens, you are in your groove, you’ve got your “mojo” and you are more prepared for anything. And who wouldn’t want this primordial edge, this prepared advantage, really?

Each season has its own natural activity-predispostions. For example, Fall is the time for harvesting which translates to a time for researching, gathering thoughts and ideas before moving forward. Winter is a time for solo endeavors and contemplation so it can be a good time to start up activities like bird watching, reading or learning to meditate. Spring is a time of new beginnings and renewal so its the natural time of the year to clean out and start fresh. Here are ways you can do that for your mind, body, spirit and space:


negative-mindGet rid of the mental clutter, which are the negative thoughts, fear based thinking and self-doubts. When these habits start to make their way into your brain, first acknowledge them for a moment as if you are stepping outside yourself and observing your own thought process. With your awareness focused on those particular adverse and damaging thoughts, visualize that you are now releasing them – that they no longer fit in your brain, they no longer serve you well for this new cycle of your life-  and replace them with something more empowering and positive right away. Later, try to reflect on the core reasons of your mental clutter. Do you immediately go to fear out of a need to protect yourself? Do you always go negative because its all that you know? Prayer and meditation are ways to help strengthen your perspicacity, clarity and resolve in order to carry through with this process of getting to the seed issue in order to let it go.



Super-Green-Detox-DrinkSpring is a perfect time to start a detox, do a green juice cleanse or try a fast. When you do this, besides focusing on the obvious benefits of purging your body of toxins, carry that concept of cleansing and renewal over to all areas of your life. The Body portion also represents all things physical – including your environment. Try to coincide a big clean out and edit of all your belongings along with your cleanse or detox. Then add in one more layer. Connect each day of the inner and outer cleanse to also ridding yourself of any of your undesirable attributes while decluttering your environment. For example, if you have a tendency to procrastinate or to quickly go to anger (hopefully you know what your issue is) dovetail that to a physical action.  To recap, it’s connecting three layers of cleaning out: your actual body, your negative issues and your clutter all together because it will lead to a more effective and lasting transformation.


Laura 0061Many religions around the world tap into the spiritual aspects of fasting combined with personal reflection. Ramadan, Lent and Jewish high holy days all purposely occur during this planetary cycle of new beginnings. Whatever your spiritual beliefs are, you can also harness these energies that are so widely practiced throughout the world. The key is, making it your own so it feels natural and right. You do this by identifying what your spiritual comfort zone is and knowing what you usually turn to in times of desperation, need for answers, comfort or expressions of gratitude. Prayer, angel cards, reflecting on loved ones who have passed on, going to church, lighting a candle, meditating, journaling, being out in Nature – there are numerous ways you can enhance your own spirituality. Whatever that activity is, add in your Mind and Body actions. For example, if Nature is your way of connecting to a higher power, when you go for a swim in the ocean attach your renewal goal of cleansing to this action and visualize that you are also getting rid of what no longer serves you. If you are pressed for time or need to ease into this part, try just lighting a candle every day while holding a positive intention.


There is a reason “Spring Cleaning” is a well regarded term and a deliberate, common activity for most people during this period. It simply makes sense whether you are aware of your natural tendency to synchronize with the planet or not. When you clear out your closets, junk drawers, attic, basement or even your pocketbooks and refrigerator, you are making room for new, fresh energy to come into your life. Think of the planetary forces around you as your invisible friend, boosting you to completion. Your levels of satisfaction afterwards will feel greater. Your percentages of never having to deal with that exact same issue again are much higher because you have tackled this from a holistic perspective by addressing your mind, body, spirit and space all together as a whole. Cleanse the energy of your space with some sage. This is so mainstream now, you can find it at any WholeFoods or most Organic Markets.

Most of us are in the midst of a cold snap now and its hard to believe this month heralds in the dawn of Spring. Just know that it is only by experiencing the stillness,  the demise and the quiet of Winter can we truly appreciate the fresh rebirth of all to come in the Spring. Now is the time to formulate your Spring plan so you are ready, receptive and prepared for this special and promising cycle to come.

Happy Spring. Happy New Beginnings. Happy You.

About Laura Benko

Holistic Feng Shui Expert, Author, CEO of The Holistic Home Company.
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